Timberborn forester
Timberborn forester

By contrast the vast majority of my enjoyment comes after that when the games stops getting in the way of my fun and I get to play with the sandbox. What I enjoy about Timberborn is urban/economic planning and the first time I figure out the correct build order for a given map I get a sense of achievement, once, and it's just the payoff for overcoming 6-9hours of tedium/frustration. That's when the fun begins, Timberborn is not a challenge game, if I want raids and fires and plagues I'll go play Rimworld. That's 6-9 hours of effort before I'm allowed to start playing the game and once the player has passed that threshold the rest of the game is entirely different. I want to build dams but with each map I try I need 2-3 attempts to figure out the correct build order and each attempt is about three hours long.


This is a very slow game and the first three hours of any map is a very strict build order that the player learns through trial and error, which feels tedious and obnoxious. If the idea is to gate ultimate sustainability off one single area of land to a mid-later stage of the game, I would instead recommend making Birch the only tree available to plant without research. In order for a player to maintain even the most limited sustainability in the early game they must: construct wood cutters -> construct science lab -> construct a power source (most often the water wheel, which takes some 50 logs) -> construct sawmill -> research forester -> create enough planks + logs to construct forester all without exhausting your starting trees. The entirety of the current gameplay loop requires Wood as *the* primary resource for expansion of you beaver city, yet it is FAR too easy for a new/inexperienced player to straight lose the game within the first 1-2 drought cycles due to completely exhausting their starting wood resource. Prioritize planting close to your colony, to minimize travel time. Once the forester is built, remember to use the plant trees and bushes button to assign him some work, or he will just sit in his tower all day. With the way the game is currently, I would highly recommend removing the 'planks' requirement to construct a Forester. The first thing to unlock with science should be the forester.

Timberborn forester